Some have said no-pain, no gain. But, how much pain does one have to endure before it becomes apparent that “something is rotten in the State of Denmark.”
S & L Med. P.C. v MVAIC, 2010 NY Slip Op 51885(U)(App. Term 1st Dept. 2010)
“While MVAIC was not precluded by its conceded untimely denial of plaintiff’s claim from asserting the defense that plaintiff’s assignor was not qualified to receive no-fault benefits (see Matter of MVAIC v Interboro Med. Care & Diagnostic PC, 73 AD3d 667 [2010]), MVAIC failed to establish that defense at trial.”
Also, at the rate things are going for MVAIC, this case should have been named “SNL Medical, P.C. v. MVAIC.” This comedy show has to end. It is embarrassing to the defense bar.